Printable - One time instant download.
The Binder Boss Life Bossy Binder™ includes everything you NEED, WANT, and WISH for in a planning system! It accommodates both your life AND business, instead of forcing you to fit everything into some boring, generic planner designed for the masses.
Customize it to your own individual planning style and needs by adding extra monthly, weekly, and daily planning pages. Your entries flow easily from one section to the next. Use the Brain Dump sheet to organize your thoughts into Needs, Wants and Wishes. The Weekly Planner will help you plan out how to fulfill all of these elements. Remember to give yourself grace: nothing ever goes exactly as planned, and some days will be more productive than others! The additional rows on the Weekly Planner and Daily Planner pages allow you to easily manage life and business. Use the Doodle & Dream page to jot down notes during phone calls, to record a goal you'd like to accomplish, or simply to doodle as you daydream.
There's nothing you can't fix with a good binder. I believe strongly that this system is pure magic!
Included in this one time instant download:
- Year Overview
- Monthly Planner
- Brain Dump
- Weekly Planner (2 Pages)
- Daily Planner
- Inventory & Review
- Tasks & Appointments
- Doodle & Dream